Water Supply Restoration - Somalia

Topic: Water supply restoration
Client: Dur Dur and Al Kowtha
Synopsis: Dur Dur and Al Kowtha are two water providers operating in Balcad, a rural town close to Mogadishu in Somalia. This project aims to eradicate cholera outbreaks and secure sustainable access to clean drinking water for 24,000 citizens in Balcad. This was reached by the rehabilitation and improvement of the Balcad water supply.
Our role: DIBcoop assisted in forming a consortium between the two water companies, the local NGO WOCCA and the local government. We identified the adequate partners for the Public Private Partnership and successfully formulated a Sustainable Water Fund (FDW) proposal.
Amount raised: EU € 1.4 million
Fund type: Grant
Fund Organization: RVO (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland)