Organic Pineapple - Costa Rica

Topic: Fairtrade and organic certified pineapple production
Client: Nicofrutta S.r.l.
Synopsis: Nicofrutta is an Italian company trading pineapples with Costa Rica. It works with several local cooperatives, evaluating the job of smallholder farmers and providing them with an alternative to the mass conventional export.
Our role:The goal of this project has been to provide training to the smallholder cooperatives -that also supply Nicofrutta- in order to make them able to expand the range of certifications (Fairtrade, Organic) and to be prepared for the increasing demands of the European and international markets. DIBcoop approached the appropriate fund and developed and effective project. As a result 170 smallholder farmers have been trained on sustainable agricultural practices, biodiversity, certifications, ethical and gender related issues and 40 employees (65% women) have been employed in the processing site.
Amount raised: € 200 K
Fund type: Grant
Fund Organization: GIZ